Birthdays the Beginning Official Website - Gameplay Modes

Birthdays the Beginning

Gameplay Modes

Story Mode

After experiencing a mysterious incident, you will witness the history of the world and the evolution of life. At first, you will interact with a small-size world. Nearly five billion years of playtime! In-game playtime only. Equates to 30 hours of real-world playtime.

31x31 Start with a small world...

63x63 that gradually gets larger...

127x127 as 3 billion years whiz by.

Dino Challenge

A playmode that differs from the standard relaxing way to play. You must birth specific organisms within a set time limit. For example... Birth Eoraptor! Birth Tyrannosaurus! After you've cleared a challenge, you can attempt it again to beat your clear time.

Dino Challenge Screenshots

Free Play

Create a tiny, crowded world or an enormous world where anything goes. With different sizes to choose from, you can create any world you please and evolve all sorts of creatures!

A diorama with your creatures on display.

A large world in which to play Mother Nature.

Compare the size of different worlds! Click the magnifying glass!

And they only get bigger from there!

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